Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Resolution Tyme
Despite my Swiss cheese teeth, it's been an incredible year, yet another full of travel:
9.5 months Taiwan (with lots of travel throughout the island(s))
2 weeks Mongolia
5 weeks China
3 nauseous hours (Thanks, United Airlines catering) San Francisco
3 weeks Oregon
I learned to speak Chinese. I learned a ton from teaching - about working, about responsibility, about cross-culture communication, about myself. I pitched a horror movie. I made story outlines for an established Chinese production company with international distribution. And I rode the train through China and Mongolia. That's a cool year.
I didn't think it possible then, but I might actually have less of an idea what next year holds than I did this time 365 days ago. That doesn't seem like progress. But I keep telling myself to enjoy it as the rest of my life will probably, probably be pretty predictable.
On to resolutions:
1. Ruin less stuff. I'm hard on my stuff. And, consequently, it doesn't last long - nylons, phones, bags, shoes, pants etc. With a little more consideration and care it would last longer and look nicer.
2. Continue serious Chinese studying, begin learning simplified characters.
3. Write more.
4. Don't be afraid to fail.
5. Cut out cute spelling (gotta toss in an easy one). I promise never to spell "time" with a y ever again.
Buh-bye decade of double zeros.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas on the Coast
Christmas was lovely. I got lots of nice presents. The one that's occupying me presently is Death at Chappaquiddick, which is Papa Jones' idea of a timely, educational Christmas present, seeing as Senator Kennedy recently passed.
For the Taiwan folks - here's what Christmas looks like in my hometown.
Lake Woahink, taken from my parents' dock. |
Bob Creek, north of town. |
Me at Bob Creek |
Heceta Head, one of the most photographed lighthouses in the world! |
Mama |
Aunt, cousin, brothers, dog & moi |
Seal at Siltcoos Outlet |
Starfish |
Our Tree! |
Joneses |
Brothers opening new guitars Christmas morning |
Ricky admiring his bass |
Robe I got Billy in Shanghai |
To see larger pictures, check out my Picasa.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
First Child Rights
Billy: Hey that's my spot!
Me: I used to wipe poop off your butt, I'll sit wherever I want.
Hard to argue with that one - zing!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I've spent a miserable, awful, depressing amount of time trying to organize my trip pictures, and eventually (hopefully) those will go up in vignettes here so you can see what I did for 7 weeks in Mongolia and China.
I went out in the kayak yesterday. Charlie whimpered as if distressed I was going to venture out on the water and just leave him on shore like that. So that's worlds better than my homecoming. I'll put up home pictures for the Taiwan folks soon(ish) too.
The middle school dance was fun. Lots of jumping. And screaming. And maybe a couple of sixth-grade girls crying. That covers all the bases, I think.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I think the cause was some "chicken" United gave me, but then my brother is sick today - so maybe not food poisoning?
I'm all better now and loving being back with my people. Although my dog was pretty disappointing upon my arrival. I expected him to trot up wagging his tail. I spent so much time with him as a puppy and James' kept telling me about a dog's keen smell memory. Plus he's a lab. He's supposed to be smart. Instead he got all nervous and ran around barking, though he's usually friendly to strangers. My mom said the only other time he's been that upset was when she hauled a roll of fringed carpet out to the garage on her shoulder. He's over it now (I mean he's being nice to me, don't know how we feels about carpet).
Since I'm no longer globetrotting, the frequency of posts will probably depend upon the speed at which outrageous things exit my brothers' mouths. Yesterday Ricky told us he can't wait to grow up and blow up Billy's car. Tomorrow I'm chaperoning the middle school dance. Have yet to convince Billy to slow dance with me. Maybe if he sees my killer moves first.
I'm going to be here a good long while and after that I'm not sure what. Hopefully something awesome...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
From Wuhan
Today we're in Wuhan, which is big and shiny but not much else. We're taking a night train to Nanjing, we'll be there about a day and a half to see Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum and the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. Then on to Shanghai, and in about a week I'll be home!
This morning we took a bus to Hubuxiang Snack Street. Americans really need to catch on to the "snack street" thing. We ate roast lamb skewers, garlic oysters on the shell, fried pork-filled pancakes, dumplings, spicy peanut oil noodles, fresh orange juice and egg tarts. Chinese people have much more liberal ideas about what's acceptable breakfast food.All that decadence before noon made me preemptively sad to be separating myself from Chinese food. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to pimento cheese sandwiches, guacamole, homemade cookies and brownies, etc. Can't wait!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Quick update
CKS's war-time capital, then known as Chung King. It is an amazing
city. Maybe my favorite so far.
Tomorrow evening we leave on our three gorges tour. Chinese boat,
first class. Met a nice lady from Iceland who took the same tour,
third class. She said the first night she took pain killers to go to
sleep and the second night passed out drunk topside and had to be
carried below. With that testimonal and our train ordeal behind us, we
paid for the nicer bunks.
Seen and done a lot of great stuff this week. Probably will post about
it from the states with pictures.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day Out in Chengdu
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Baby Bearcat!
Monday, November 16, 2009
24 Hours of Squalor
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bing Ma You!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Magic Words
Monday, November 9, 2009
Crab Walking the Wall
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Square One: Censorship
Saturday, November 7, 2009
In the Flesh
Friday, November 6, 2009
Team America
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Last UB Post
We followed Lonely Planet's directions and neither Lenin nor his museum were anywhere to be found. Maybe they were scrapped? Maybe we're just extremely directionally-challenged? Anyways, we didn't find him.
Next stop was the Lama Temple Museum. Tibetan-style Buddhism sure has a lot of monsters. The temple of Mercy was full of hell tapestries and God heads with skull crowns and decapitated human head necklaces. Yikes.
Went back to the expat place we liked for lunch. Last night we went to Strings, which was like a Hard Rock Cafe with a Filipino band doing great covers of American rock. Apparently killer cover bands are one of the Philippines chief exports.
Unfortunately, it was all over by 9 p.m. Five people died of H1N1-related pneumonia here last month, and therefore all restaurants that serve alcohol must close at 9 p.m. until further notice. We see lots of masks all over Ulan Bator. We had to buy them just to go into the movie theater. And a nice souvenir shop lady gently suggested I wear one. Damn my cavalier American ways.
Tomorrow we're back on the train to China. Despite the censorship problem, I've set up my account so that I think I'll be able to blog through email - though I myself wont be able to see the page in a Chinese browser.
Fingers crossed, I'll blog again soon!
Monday, November 2, 2009
UB Update
Thankfully, it warmed up. Yesterday it got down to 0 F/-18 C. Unfortunately, we chose yesterday to go to one of Asia's largest open air markets. It was fun to see the rows and rows of ger-making supplies, but my fingers and toes hurt.
Today we had lunch at an expat. hangout, I had fun eavesdropping. It was mostly businessmen, but interesting nonetheless.
After that we went to the Political Persecution Memorial Museum. The museum is housed in the home of the former Mongolian prime minister who refused to carry out Stalin's purge on his people (so he was taken to Moscow and executed). The curator said about 30,000 Mongolians were murdered between the late 1930s and up until the 1960s, the majority of victims being Buddhist lamas. Mass graves were being discovered as recently as 2003.
There wasn't much English. But there was a case of skulls - each with a bullet hole through the forehead, top or side.
It was a sobering stop. Communism is so evil. I had professors in college who smirked at that kind of rhetoric like it's hyperbole, but it's not.
Tonight we're going to check out a microbrewery which, according to Lonely Planet, serves some of the nation's best beer. Exciting!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Back in the UB
We drank vodka distilled from yak milk and airag, which sort of tastes like a sour cream and feta soda beer. We ate sour rock-hard cheeses and way, way too much mutton.
A few nights we stayed in the gers of nomad families.
In short, it was an amazing trip. I'm even a little sad it's over, but at the same time thrilled to be back in civilization.
The most wonderful thing was seeing all that rugged country - the huge blue sky against red cliffs, our jeep rolling past herds of camels and horses. I wanted to take a picture of everything, but it's hard to capture the vastness of it all with a point-and-click, or really any camera. Mongolia is a beautiful country.
I'll be in Mongolia a few more days, and will blog again. Still trying to figure out how to blog from China.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ulan Bator
Our one day in Beijing was a lot of fun. We spent the morning walking around the Forbidden City. It was nice to see where all those treasures in the National Palace Museum in TAIWAN came from. I must say, the halls were a little barren in the Palace. And the audio guide failed to mention where all the cool, impressive Chinese art is hiding.
The palace itself was wonderful, though I had to fight off some old ladies to get a view of the rooms. Seriously, old Chinese women are shameless. Like if they don't see it RIGHT NOW they might die and never see it. S'ok - I'm good at throwing elbows too.
After the palace we walked over to Tiananmen Square. It's really big, but not much to see save for a people's statue outside the Mao mausoleum. We watched a soldier tell an old man to quit flying his kite in the square. That was about as exciting as it got. James said when he came to Beijing with his mom on a tour full of Taiwanese, they didn't even stop there, "Why would we want to go see a bad place like that?"
Pickled Mao was high on my list of sights to see, but unfortunately he's only available Tuesday through Sunday.
We ate dinner in the night market - delicious roast lamb skewers, a pancake sandwich and some other snacks. A guy tried to shiest us for some cream puffs, but we talked him down from 20RMB to ten (twenty is really outrageous).
The train was great, after we got here we finalized our Mongolia country tour, and we'll be headed out on that Saturday. I wont go into more detail now, because maybe I can find time to post entries with pictures later.
However, once I get back in China - it'll most likely be a blogless month, unless I can convince my mom to post for me via email...Hmm...
Sidenote: Because we've drank them all fairly recently - I can now say Taiwan Coke is different from Chinese coke which is different from Mongolian Coke. It's been so long since I've had an American Coke, I can't really tell you which is most similar. But they are different!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Almost, Finally, Hopefully on our Way
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
1. Ate a pomegranate.
2. Watched a 5-part YouTube documentary on Prussian Blue, the Nazi twin teen pop duo.
3. Sat in the hospital while James got his test results (FYI: According to said results, his poop is soft, brown and - drum roll - parasite FREE!).
4. Okay, I can't think of anything else interesting I did today. But here's a link to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers The Waiting.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Taiwan is wonderful ... and full of diseases
It's one of those tricky fevers - where the discomfort comes and goes, and James' temperature went down with every Tylenol dose (and then popped back up). I was getting really nervous and figuring if I did all the cleaning while he rested and then if James took a pill 2.75 hours before customs in Beijing and then - the obvious presented itself: "I better call my parents," he said. It's amazing at age 23 to how many questions that is still the answer.
Of course you have to cancel your flight, his mom and dad said (duh). The Chinese don't fool with illness, especially H1N1, and we'd rather not have James stuck in a 7-day quarantine when we have a train to Mongolia to catch (which, thankfully, doesn't leave until Oct. 20).
So we're just pushing the whole trip back 5 days. Since James has a round-trip ticket back to Taiwan with China Airlines he didn't even have to pay a change fee. My United flight back to America will cost $220 to change (insert weeping and gnashing of teeth). But then, James had to go to the hospital and poop on a stick and I get to tease him about it, so that's some comfort.
The other bad news is we're not making any more money, I already threw out all the food and we have to survive another 5 days here. The good news is 7-11 sells boiled eggs marinated in soy sauce for 10NT (0.30 USD) which are quite filling. Five lunches, $3 USD - it can be done!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wide Open Space ... Will Kill You
"America is too big."
She told me about how she drove down the Pacific Coast Highway - through Redwood country. And the whole time was scared if "bad people' hiding in the woods shot her car and killed her, no one would ever know about it.
I tried to explain that the teeny, tiny number of people who would even consider such a depraved act live in the opposite end of California. I also wondered if she'd seen Wrong Turn. Decided against recommending it.
Then the Irish lady in our class backed up my teacher's irrational fear: "Oh when I was living in America riding the train - I tried not to look out the window. All that space is terrifying!"
I can't help but suspect this is a sour grapes mentality from two people from wee little countries: I just can't comprehend preferring a place that's smaller and denser. It seems unnatural. Bigger is better! But then, my preferences were formed in Alaska.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My boss once told me Taiwanese school uniforms are designed with the idea children should be studying books not each other. They're purposefully repellant, she said. Today's ensemble makes me believe her.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Ten Days Left
Matsu Island
Green Island
Orchid Island
Turtle Island
Alishan Forest Railway
Pingtung County (excluding Kenting)
Places I went:
Hsinchu County
Dharma Drum Mountain
Jade Mountain
Sun Moon Lake
Penghu Island
Kinmen Island
Glamour Studio
Taroko Gorge
Alishan is a big tourist draw. I was hoping to go this fall, but Typhoon Morakot blew in and washed out the roads. As for the other places I didn't get to, I have a feeling there'll be a "next time."
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Earthquakes, Typhoons and Moon Cakes - Oh My!
Typhoon Parma is headed our way. Thankfully, it mostly missed the Philippines - those poor people. I really don't like this typhoon season business. It's just so dangerous. Not for me personally - mostly for those in coastal or mountainous regions. But the loss of life year after year is hard to fathom.
Moon Cakes: Yesterday was Mid-Autumn Festival. We went into Taipei and ate with James' family. James' grandma sent us home with a tin of moon cakes. They are these little dense cakes filled with pineapple paste, black sesame, salty egg or green tea filling. Then when we went out for dinner last night, all the Nankan shop owners were barbecuing with their families and coworkers on the sidewalk. Needless to say, fireworks were also part of the festivities.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Chris Rock on Roman Polanski
But I got to reading the news, and there isn't a reason. Yes, he's a holocaust victim. Yes, his wife was murdered when she was 8 months pregnant. But you don't get to pay for your sins in advance. Having sex with a child my brother's age is unforgivable.
Then there was this peverted outpouring of support in Hollywood. Whoopi said it wasn't "rape-rape." Uhhh...
So I was glad to hear one of my favorite comedians talking some sense:
“People are defending Roman Polanski because he made some good movies?!? Even Johnnie Cochran don’t have the nerve to go, ‘Well, did you see O.J. play against New England?’” Chris Rock said on Leno.
And while I'm appreciating Chris Rock, check out some classic segments: Abortion, Rap Music, Bullet Control.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Battle of the Ages
I would've raised more hell about this, but next week is my last and these new people are continuing another two months. But I think a telling issue with this incident is there's a 25-year gap between the new, less-advanced students and we three original classmates.
I guessed they thought when they wanted to go shake their jowls, there was no need to consult us young folks - we couldn't possibly have worthwhile opinions.
Then I talked to my favorite teacher after class today. The administrator told her when these older students went to harp on her, they also had some interesting things to say about us three:
They don't pay attention. They're always playing with computers, messing around, etc. during class.
"Playing with computers." That would be my friend's electric Chinese-English dictionary, which is pretty handy when trying to learn to read and write.
I think the old people were just so lost they figured we must not be paying attention - like we're just sitting there to pass time, because that's what kids do. But the thing is we weren't. My one friend already knows Cantonese. And the other is fluent in Mongolian, Russian and English. They are serious language learners.
Sometimes my friends pull out their iPods during breaks, while the old people continue to "practice" Chinese in stilted conversations with eachother. Personally, I think the iPod thing is antisocial, but people in college did it too. Further, Chinese class is intense - I can see wanting to zone out during the breaks.
Conclusion: Old people are so ageist! It reminds me of interning at newspapers when I'd show up and the source would ask, "Sooo, you're writing the story? By yourself?" I hope when I'm old I remember to withhold my judgement until it's validated.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Coming to America!

Friday, September 25, 2009
Use It or Lose It
But how lame is it I wasn't even sure it was Spanish?! Because whatever it was, it sounded about as foreign as Chinese did 12 months ago.
I'm going to continue my Chinese class through our last full week in Taiwan. And as soon as I'm home, my priority will be formulating a study plan so that wherever I end up next, I'll continue to learn. Also, I've found a blog that posts nothing but links to Chinese talk shows on YouTube, and the author seems to post several links a day. So I'm going to make a habit out of that - despite the miserable and gratuitous sound effects (BOINK!/WAH~WAH/BLINGBLING!) all Chinese talk shows seem to use. Small annoyance for a lifetime investment, me thinks.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Peacing Out of the Buxiban
Boss: Hi Le-Suh-Lee!
Me: What up, home slice?
Boss: How are you?
Me: I gotta pocket fulla stinkies, my bucket's low and my swagger's right.
Boss: What?
Me: Bitch, I'm trill.
Boss: Are you quitting? (The only natural response to such an onslaught)
Me: I gotta stay fly 'til I die.
Boss: But what will you do without us?
Me: All I want to do is ride around shining while I can afford it. Plenty of ice on my neck so I don't get nauseous. Float around in the greatest of Porsches.
Boss: Why are you quitting?
Me: Cash Rules Everything Around Me. C.R.E.A.M.! Get the money, dollah, dollah bills y'all.
Boss: Okay, this is inconvenience to us that you are quitting.
Me: If you can't respect that your whole perspective is whack. Maybe you'll love me when I fade to black.
Monday, September 21, 2009
If you laugh long enough, it's not an argument.
The following conversation took place yesterday after class. I had one student who failed to answer a question, despite much coaxing and hints. Everyone else answered. I know she understood. She was just gripped with a bout of "I'm so embarrassed I'm going to pretend I don't understand anything you say even if you say it in my native language" - a common affliction among Taiwanese children.
Boss: Maybe next time you just tell her what to say then she can repeat it.
Me: She needs to think for herself.
Boss: But this is how we teach here, even if she doesn't understand, she needs to repeat something.
Me: That's why so many students speak such poor English after studying a long time, they've just been taught to parrot, they can't actually talk.
Boss: This is Taiwan's way.
Me: Well it's a bad way to learn a language.
Boss: Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Me: ha ha ha ha.
Boss: ha ha ha. ha.
Me: ha. ha.
And that was this week's dose of passive aggressive behavior. Stay tuned kids, there's still a few weeks left!
Happy One Year!
I'm so glad I came, I'm so glad I stayed. I learned a lot. In hindsight, there are some things I would do differently now: I would've started learning Chinese right away; and I would've given myself longer to look for a better work situation.
I've learned so much this year. Some things I would've learned anyways - it being my first year not being a student. But I don't think living aboard is a learning experience that can be replicated at home.
I think that perhaps the most important thing I've learned is that I can live abroad. The idea of living far away from home - in or outside the U.S. - doesn't daunt me as much anymore. And I think if opportunities present themselves in the future, I'll be more ready to jump than I would otherwise.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Foreigner Hate
"Oh Leslie, we're so lucky to have you. You're not like other foreigners - they just drink, party, aren't reliable." It's a backhanded compliment: I'm good because I'm not like the other white folks. I used to repeat the common wisdom in passing, "yeah, a lot of people are just here to drink, make a little bit of money," until I realized I had no substantiating evidence. So I stopped.
The truth is white people like to drink more than locals. The truth is we tend to be louder and more obnoxious whether or not we're drinking. And the truth is there are some unreliable fly-by-night characters here, just like everywhere else. But it doesn't match the hype.
And it's a convenient stereotype to believe in if you're a school owner who wants to not feel bad about treating a foreign employee like crap. James and I love Taiwan, but we've both dealt with some pretty crummy work situations.
Unfortunately, I think we foreigners perpetuate our nasty reputation: The foreigners I know are all responsible and gainfully employed. But they all, have at one time or other, mentioned/agreed with the idea that we're all just here to "drink and party" and do bad work.
James has a friend who has been in Taiwan almost a decade. His theory is foreigners like to hate on other foreigners because everyone wants to feel like the "real" expat. - Everybody else is just visiting. Ppptttbbbb.
We're almost out of here. I'm really going to miss Taiwan. I wont miss the racial stereotype.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry...
Everywhere I teach - kids keep coming into my class mumble-singing "sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." At first I thought it was a joke or a game, but then I got cool and realized it was SUPER JUNIOR! Only the most gigantor Korean boy band ever - if not the whole world!! Seriously, they're like 20 strong. Too many to count.
I posted this video to Facebook and a friend in Taichung replied that on several occasions she's seen groups of kids doing all the choreography in the street.
The Soulja Boy of Taiwan?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hsinchu for a Day
The gang in Neiwan |
From B-day, Hsinchu |
Outside the old Theater |
Lots of other tourists |
Old Neiwan Station, still in service |
oink oink |
Hsinchu |
View from the Lavender Cottage |
Somebody's Bunny Photoshoot |
The "cottage" |
Working mailboxes, one for mailing family, one for mailing exes. Go figure. |
For dinner we went to an amazing Hakka restaurant (Hakka is a Chinese ethnicity. There are lots of Hakka in Taiwan and in Southern China). Swordfish, squid, salty-soft tofu, kung pao chicken - everything was great. But my favorite were the sweet potatoes!
Candied sweet potatoes |
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Reasonably Enlightened?!
Duh, autocrats can enact policies faster. But I can't think of any such state - past or present - I'd like to live in. Checks and balances, yo!
What bothered me most was Friedman's assertion China is a "reasonably enlightened" country. I don't know what that means, but it sounds ign'ant: Imprisoned bloggers, state-controlled churches, negligible property rights and comprehensive media censorship are not the traits of an enlightened society.
I know I've been influenced by living closer to it - and, this is anecdotal - but, whenever people come back from the mainland (read: traveling outside Beijing and Shanghai) they never fail to say, "It was really, really dirty." Reading Friedman makes me wonder how my perception of China has changed from being here, or how mine differs from the average American's. There's a whole lot more to it than the flagship cities.
I have a friend who works in Beijing, she only comes back to Taiwan once a month or so. She likes Beijing, but says when she stays too long she starts to feel trapped. The international news censorship is such that she finds she has to resolve just not to care about what is going on or deal with constant frustration of struggling to circumvent the censorship to find information.
I'm not even anti-China! I just think we ought to call it like it is.
Enlightened? Friedman, you crazy.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Birthday Song
I love it.
Link to my 22-year-old b-day song. Look to see how much he grew!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Happy Burfday to ... Meeeeeeeeeeeeee
It's been almost a year (just 17 days shy) that I've been living in Taiwan. I've been so many places and learned so much. This time last year I never would've believed that I would become conversant in Chinese.
Turns out all those things people say about living abroad broadening one's perspective, teaching how to handle challenging situations, etc. are true. Those things are also all platitudes, so I wont go further. I'm just happy to be at a point in my life where I can still say I know so much more than I did a year ago.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Good Brothers
Lots of storefronts have little altars piled with food - instant noodles, litre sodas, fruit, crackers - and incense burning, all for the ghosts to eat. Some people don't eat the food after it has been on the altar because they believe the ghosts having eaten it takes away all the flavor. Praying and making an offering today is supposed to bring your household peace for the year.
Last night people were setting off fireworks all over Nankan and there was a big "Hua Che" (literally "flower car," means parade float) procession through town, replete with traditional horn music that always sounds exactly the same and consistently awful to my ears.
I don't have a problem with feeding ghosts. But it's really windy today. And people are burning gobs of ghost money in small altars on busy sidewalks ... seems like a recipe for disaster.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Reviewed: Jodie's Kitchen
My mom and I spent Friday afternoon in a cooking class. I recommend Jodie's Kitchen to anyone looking to add a few Chinese flavors to their repertoire.
Everything was simple and delicious. Jodie showed us sour-and-spicy soup, how to prepare homemade soy milk (which is delicious!), as well as a sesame paste, spicy Sichuan flower pepper oil, and a simple Taiwanese dressing - all of which are easily added to veggies, noodles or meat.
Jodie does a good job of giving a basic explanation of vital ingredients, and then showing how they can be mixed together to create the various flavors.
Hopefully I wont forget everything before I'm back in a living situation where I actually cook regularly...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pride of Taoyuan

I couldn't decide who to root for. The Taiwan kids are actually from Taoyuan - they live just up the road from me! The game took place in the wee hours of Sunday morning local time, so that solved the "rooting" problems for me.
Taiwan has about one-tenth the population of the U.S., and has more Little League World Series titles than any other country besides America.
Taiwan had 17 championship titles between 1969 and 1996, but this is the first time in 10 years Taiwan has made it to the LL World Series. Let's hope this signals the return of Chinese Taipei as a major LL World Series contender!
We got a fever...
As a result - the security guy at reception in my school's building took my temperature before I was allowed in the elevator to go to class.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Adventures in I-Ching
Aren't they cute?! |
Curiosity outweighed shyness, and the boys lined up. Always the more adventurous, Ricky went first. The lady had him write down a bunch of information - his address, phone number, age, parents names, etc.
From I-Ching |
Okay, that's a long ways out, but I'll see what the I-Ching tells me, the woman said, and she set to tapping away on the circular board.
tap tap tap |
These guys gathered around to watch my goofy brothers |
She told Ricky he would meet a woman of "marriage potential" when he is 25. They'll meet in an academic setting, she said. But they'll both be very career-focused at that time, Ricky more so than the lucky lady. The woman will be athletic and smart. Then the woman said he could ask again in 15 years whether or not she was the one.
Billy asked about the future of his band.
From I-Ching |
From I-Ching |
And that was that.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Already Gone
When it comes to driving me nuts, my brothers haven't gotten rusty at all. But then as we took final pictures before they left James had to bark, "Don't cry," to keep me in line.
Since they left late last night, my parents bought the room for the whole night. So, out of principle, James and I are going to go enjoy the pool this morning and eat steaks for breakfast, since it's included with the room.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My People
From Family in Taiwan |
They've been here about half a week now, and I'm really not looking forward to seeing them off again Saturday.
We've done the usual tourist stuff - Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial, Palace Museum, Taipei 101, Taroko - but the highlight for me was when James took us to a practice space and I got to hear my brothers go through their band set list.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Baby of the Family, in the morning
7:30 a.m.
-sirloin steak
-donuts (2 plates' worth)
Mid-Morning Snack
Carmel Smoothie
Later-Morning Snack
Ice Cream
Keep in mind that was followed by a several-course teppanyaki lunch. Seriously, who is this guy?
I'll tell you who - he's the kid who ran out of lunch money early because he was eating breakfast at home and then eating school breakfast half an hour later. When he was really a little kid (5 or so) we'd go out and eat Mexican food. Then, after the 20-minute ride home, he'd rush into the kitchen before the rest of us were even out of the car.
Some things never change.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ghost Month
Some people avoid travel and swimming in the ocean or rivers during ghost month. Actually, lots of Chinese people never swim in the ocean because it's dangerous. But the water ghosts are supposedly out in full force now.
One of my Chinese teachers says she sees ghosts - some heavenly, some from hell.
I asked my buxiban kids about ghosts.
"Who thinks ghosts are real, who thinks ghosts are not real?"
All hands shot up for REAL.
"YIDING YOU!" The brainy kid scoffed, which is Chinese for "of course there are," as if I'd asked her if gravity were real.
From there, the class was devoted to personal ghosts stories. We didn't get through much book material, but even the quiet students wanted to tell their ghost stories. And hey, whatever gets them to talk...
One girl told me when her father was young, he saw a ghost rattling dishes in the kitchen. Must've been one of those hungry ghosts. One boy said he and his cousins saw a blue boy ghost in the kitchen when he was little.
A pair of sisters said they always hear footsteps when there parents aren't home. They said they live near a cemetery, and it's the ghosts walking. They didn't say whether they live in a giant complex like most of us here, in which case I would guess the footsteps are one of their bjillion neighbors.
But the sisters also said they have an adult family friend with a keen third eye who doesn't like to spend the night with them because there are too many ghosts. When she sleeps in their home, she can feel the ghosts pressing on her chest.
One student warned me that if I swim in the ocean a water ghost can make itself look like my mom, but when I ask it a question it'll grab my ankle and drown me.
Then someone told me about a ghost possessing a girl. In one day, the girl's hair became very long. And her baby died, and she cradled it even though it was dead. The ghost possessing her was a dog ghost, so it couldn't talk.
By the end of class I had a full-on case of the heebie jeebies. You try two hours in a tiny classroom with uniformed Chinese schoolgirls staring up at you with their dark-brown-almost-black orbs warning you about all the ghosts to watch out for.
Stinky Kid Mistake
Anyways - today I made a big mistake and felt awful afterward. I had a rowdy boy in the front row who kept distracting his friends. So I ordered him to switch seats with Stinky, who sits in back with the other good kids.
As soon as she sat down in the front row - it was like a magnetic field went up and everyone scooted their desk away until she had a three-foot clearing in all directions.
She didn't even smell bad today. I didn't want to draw more attention to what was going on by making the others move their desks back.
But I definitely should've picked a different kid to change seats. Poor girl. Kids are so mean.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Why I have got to learn to curse in Chinese
I thought a moment: All that came to mind that I knew how to say in Chinese was, "Here has people walking!" or "I'm walking below you!"
Neither of those quite has the ring of, "Hey asshole, there are people down here."
And by the time I'd formed a not totally dorky response, the moment had passed. For all I knew this idiot had returned to the dark recesses of his home where he could more completely ignore the people around him.
So I settled with shaking my fist, muttering, and hurrying the rest of the way home.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Taroko Gorge Weekend
Indiana- Jones-style rope bridge |
Shrine for the 200 people who died building the gorge highway. |
At the train station, we hired a cab to take us around for the day. Then that night he drove us to Carp Lake - the biggest lake in Eastern Taiwan - for a water/dance/fireworks show put on by Hualien aboriginals:
Free show on Carp Lake on weekend summer nights |
On our way to Taroko, we drove through an aboriginal village with a little cemetary where all the headstones were marked with Christian crosses. Our driver said the tribe is all Christian now, because of missionaries who came and helped them a long time ago.
Cute father/son pair dancing to the music at Carp Lake |
James has to go home early Sunday morning for work. The three of us went to the beach:
at the beach |
After that, we had lunch in town and headed back to Taipei. The train ride was definitely a highlight, lots of beauitful scenery along the way. Back in Taipei, I managed to leave my backpack on the train. But I was so impressed with how quick and helpful the transit folks at Taipei Rail Station were. They got on the phone with the next station and assured me my bag would be back in Taipei today.