Tuesday, January 12, 2010


From Great Wall
There it is folks. Getting out to the Wall was one of those special experiences that despite how many times I've seen it on TV and what not - it totally lived up to the hype. I got all tingly and excited as we climbed aboard.

From Great Wall
All these photos are from Simatai - which is usually one of the most crowded sections. But we had the incredible luck of going at the end of the season and on a snowy day. It's an ancient wall. There aren't any safety rails. I wound up crab-walking and scooting on my hiney as we wended our way down, so as to avoid toppling into the Barbarian lands and being scooped up by a Hun.
From Great Wall
From Great Wall

From Great Wall
The photo above was taken by a very smiley, very persistent hawker. I was a breath away from buying his sorta-lame postcards, but James had to be the strong one. After the guy followed us up and down the 9th tower, James told him - in Chinese - that we really weren't going to buy anything. And then he said he was a farmer and he was out of work. He walked all the way up the Wall that day for our little day-trip group. There was about one hawker for every two of us. I felt a little sad not buying anything, but it was still the beginning of our China trip, and James reminded me it would be the same all over. And it was -always people selling, pushing, begging. It's exhausting until you get tough about it. And then it's still exhausting. Honestly, when I think about it I still wish I would've bought his postcards.
From Great Wall
More pictures at my Picasa! Click on the link, yo.

1 comment:

MitMoi said...

Those are SPECTACULAR! I'm so glad you got to do that part of the trip.