Monday, March 7, 2011

Leslie plays sports writer/foreign correspondent

Hey, look at me, I'm freelancing: Wang pushes the NFL's boundaries 

You can also read the fruits of my 3am Usher interview here: Oh. My. Gosh.

The other day my dad suggested I discontinue this lil' blog and it made me a sad bat (a phrase I adopted after Billy came home from day care with a black paper bat that was scowling one day oh so long ago).

Every other entry I'm apologizing for how few and far between my entries are. Part of the problem is I hate to come home and stare at the computer after work. Another part of the problem is a lot of the hilarious work shenanigans and commie bullshit that I run into on a regular basis isn't exactly public blog fodder. Then the final part of the problem is that I really devote a lot of energy to my job and it's hard to come home and write inspired posts.

But I'm not going to shut her down. I'm just going to continue posting when I can. I recommend those of you living in the stone age (*cough*family*cough*) join the young moderns and start using Google Reader. Then you wont have to be so disappointed when you come visiting my lifeless blog.

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