Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mistakes Were Made

I'm going to try and limit my posts about the sinister life forms storming my apartment to once a week. But then I'm living in Taiwan, it's the rainy season, and every week it gets a little bit warmer - so no guarantees.

This heinous disaster was the result of a leaky pipe. Unfortunately, there was a shelf tucked in this nook so we didn't see that our wall was oozing away until building maintenance came knocking.

I'm waiting for the handyman to come replace the wall as I type. At his suggestion, we bought a dehumidifier to help dry out the wall. Two or three times a day I have to empty the quart-sized tank in the bathroom - who knew so much water could be sucked out of thin air! Well, we're 13 stories high but the air is still more thick than thin.

On the bright side, the wall and leaky pipe is only costing about $250 U.S. to fix,and the dehumidifier cost another $100. Back home I think you lose that much the minute a plumber shakes your hand.