Friday, August 7, 2009

Morakot Watch

James made spaghetti for dinner and we opened a bottle of Yellow Tail cabernet. Then we plugged his laptop into our new TV (thanks, James' parents!!) and rocked out to Spoon and The National. I found if you sing loud enough you can't hear the wind scream.

It's getting on around 11 p.m. now. We're watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which is miserably self-referential and boring. But I'm happy we haven't lost power, or yet at least.

I keep checking the news, but I'm not sure whether Morakot has landed yet or not. Some news sites are saying it could last into tomorrow. So stay safe everybody.

1 comment:

Michael Rettig said...

I absolutely loved that movie. And I've barely heard any wind out here. color me disappointed.