Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We don't speak the same language

After five months here - and working in an office where I'm outnumbered by them - you'd think I would've adjusted to the British dialect. Sure I've picked up some of it. Even amongst ourselves, I hear Americans saying "so-and-so is 'keen on' blahblah" and using "getting pissed" instead of drunk.

But more often than I'd like to admit, I still find myself asking my co-workers to repeat themselves. But it works the other way too. Case in point, this exchange with British-marketing-dude-who-sits-downstairs (we'll call him BMDWSD) next to the coffee pot this morning:

BMDWSD: Bloop-a-bloop-a-bloop-a-bloo (safe to assume he meant good morning)

Me: Guten morgen!

BMDWSD: Whoit?

Me: Guten morgen!

BMDWSD: Whoit?

Me: Guten morgen! It's what the Germans say - hey are ya gonna have some coffee with all that fake creamer?

BMDWSD: Whoit?

Me: I said look at all that fake creamer you're putting in your coffee. Gross.

BMDWSD: I 'av no ideuh whoit youh saying this morning.

Me: Don't worry about it, just drink your coffee.

BMDWSD: Yeah okay.

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