Sunday, August 1, 2010

dino beach!

Alas, another Sunday evening. Luckily there's lots to look forward to this week: I have a USC alumni dinner Tuesday night, and fifth-row tickets to La Boheme Wednesday night. Then Thursday will begin the one-week countdown before my long weekend in Kuala Lumpur!!

A college friend, who is taking her summer vacay at her family home in KL, pointed me toward cheap tickets on Air Asia - and I'm stoked to add another country to the "places I've been" tally.

Every day is too hot now. I'm up to two showers a day, and immediately start sweating when I get out. This was especially problematic Saturday night: Before going out to dinner I took a shower. Then I dried my hair and started putting on makeup. I didn't turn the AC on because I was leaving so soon. But by the time I finished my makeup, my hair needed to be re-dried. Wet. Wet. Wet.

Today I had a proper summer outing: I went with friends to Dino Beach, a hokey water park south of town. Dino Beach isn't going to win any amusement park awards anytime soon, but it was fun to take a couple turns around the lazy river. 

Afterward we barbecued on their deck (I lie, friend's boyfriend barbecued on the deck - I sat comfortably inside plowing through his copy of Book Two The Walking Dead, a really kick-ass zombie comic series). 

Now off to bed with me. 

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