Monday, October 18, 2010

The Great Big South Korea Food Blog

A quick reflection what I ate on vacation before I dash off to work:

From South Korea
Tea Cakes
crispy, airy and sweet
ginger tea, something I'd like to learn to make at home
spicy, pickled goodness. this is one example of all the little side dishes you get at most every meal
A western-influenced, cheese-topped rice noodle dish (bar food). A lot of pubs require you order food.

potato pancake, also bar food

Korea version of the Japanese pork cutlet
pounding sesame seeds for my pork cutlet sauce

mixing it all up

more bar food: tofu,fish cakes, muscles...
Rice Wine, plus a side of pickled stuffs. Korean rice wide is mild, fizzy and delicious

Kimchee beef and rice. I forget why the rice is purple, but this was a good meal

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