Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lost in Translation: Marijuana Culture

With surprising frequency in Taipei I see pretty, clean cut girls - who look like they bathe regularly - wearing pastel t-shirts with pot leaves on them, or tote bags with the leaf design. This is weird to me, because back home I'm pretty sure there's a rule that says you can't wear a pot leaf if you shower more than fortnightly, nor may you have a serious job or engaging hobbies. Wearing a pot leaf isn't about the occasional Saturday night, it's about a manifest commitment to underachievement. Or at least in America it is.

I started wondering if there was much smoking going on in Taiwan. Not really, according to WeBeHigh.com: Pot isn't popular among the Taiwanese, what's available isn't very good, and pot possession is punishable with up to 3 years in prison. Drug trafficking is punishable by death.

All those pot leaves aren't political or lifestyle statements. They're just a strange refraction of pot subculture done Taiwan-style.

What would Marley think?

1 comment:

Andre said...

people here don't know the true meaning, story and culture behind this. just like they wear the nazi swastika like it's nothing.