Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Asia is Adorable

Cute isn't just for kids in this country. On the bus ride home today I started a tally of Hello Kitty motorcycle helmets ... on men. I first visited Hong Kong when I was 11. And I suspicion the ubiquitous cute factor had something to do with why I was so enchanted with it. Then it seemed like I'd found my place in the world, a world full of magical, hot-pink, cartoon-eyed wonders! Now, 11 years later, I have gained the wisdom and knowledge to know I will succumb to wasting much money on tschotsky crap while here. But I don't mind.

Today we visited Tapei 101, which will be the world's tallest building for a couple more years. Tapei 101 is home to the world's fastest elevator and the world's largest wind damper. If this were America the world's largest wind damper would be stenciled with a cheeseburger/handgun design, a giant American flag and a "BIGGER IS BETTER - OH YEAH!" logo banner - Just so you wouldn't forget: It's the biggest, ok? But in Taiwan the world's largest wind damper is known as "Damper Baby." How emasculating.

If you didn't know, because I sure didn't know: a wind damper is a gigantic, spherical weight that protects the tower from earthquakes and typhoons. For further explanation, see an engineer.

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