Monday, September 15, 2008

If I were a nice Chinese girl...

I definitely wouldn't sign up for language exchange with this guy. Often I peruse Tealit, a website for English teachers in Taiwan, looking for jobs and what not. When I saw this man's beastly forehead and the headline, "I teach you English, you teach me Chinese," I had to click. Maybe, I'm being harsh: He's just an uh.. unconventional man looking to learn a different language. But his language exchange ad did note he's a "social drinker." How relevant. Turns out he's Swedish. Still, he just looks like the type of dude who'd ship his Ted-Bundy style van all the way to Formosa.

Awhile back when I was considering a summer in Phnom Phen I spoke to a woman who spent a couple years in Cambodia. She sung its praises except for the abundant gaggle of Indiana Jones types at the western bars. And not Indiana Jones type as in: rugged, strong and attractive through the decades a la Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones type as in, "Why hello little lady, I'm a white guy in southeast Asia who drinks a lot of beer and fancies myself adventuresome."

I suspicion there'll be some of the same in Taiwan. Or atleast, there sure seem to be a lot of ads on Tealit from twenty-something white men who reeeeally like Asian girls.

1 comment:

James said...

So does this mean I can't take my serial killer van to taiwan?