Thursday, September 25, 2008

I died ...

and went to heaven a Dior fashion show at the Grand Formosa Regent. James' mom's high school classmate's brother is a top stylist in Taiwan (p.s. did I mention connections are sort of important here...). Anyway, my boyfriend's mom's friend's brother got us tickets to see this fashion show. Taiwan's top super model, Lin Zhi Ling, was there, so I've had my first official Asian celebrity sighting. The moment we were seated I did the tourist thing and took a bjillion pictures before the models even stepped out. I just couldn't get over how fancy these place settings were! The three of us, James, his mom, and I, got extra plebian on the Taipei fashion world and stuffed the complimentary hotel notepads in our bags. "We can use at home!" Tina said scooping them off the table.

Here's a picture of the fancy appetizers. I was just blown away by the fanciness.
Then came the models. I was developing a crush on this one. She could tell.

And then the supermodel.

For more pictures, check my picasa.

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