Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In Cambodia

This is a beautiful country. I love being here as much as I did 9 years ago. We're here for another day and a half. The internet is slow. I'm super tired. There will be more on Cambodia later, but I want to get a quick post in tonight about how I almost dumped James our first night here.

I almost did it because of what happened at dinner. Our tour guide brought out a bowl full of eggs. James cracked one open and gobbled up a duckling fetus - a poor, defenseless quacker with all his parts but still in the shell.

In my book, that's almost a deal-breaker. Of all the common-wisdom warning signs for unsound partners: Does he criticize how you look? Does he read your mail? Does he get angry if you don't tell him where you are? Shouldn't, "Does he eat fetuses?" be on there somewhere?

Further, I'm a right-to-life meat eater; at least give the little sucker a crack at the world before you douse him in vinegar and soy sauce.

Part taste test, part science lesson, it was possibly the most morbid meal of my life. I had James on my left poking his spoon around in the shell. The guy two seats over was pulling a piece out at a time and asking our guide for anatomy lessons. A woman across the table peeled the entire shell off and left the fetus in a bowl for all to inspect.

I've been good about squid ice cream and sea cucumber, however I'm not ready to eat the unborn. Our relationship survived, but I was standoffish for at least 45 minutes after dinner. I think we'll be okay as long as James doesn't become a routine baby eater. Goodnight.

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