Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeny!

It's already Nov. 1 in Taiwan, but back home I know you all are knocking back the booze and donning your trampy costumes as I type. And by you all I mean my friends, not my family members who read this. My family members are probably just going to sleep.

The cram school kids were out of control last night. Who can blame them? I probably would've called social services and would've asked to be taken away had my parents made me go to EXTRA SCHOOL on Halloween night.

Between classes the school owner asked James and I what Halloween was like for us when we were kids. Did you go out and trick-or-treat every year? Oh yes, of course. Did you always dress up? Yep. Sure did.

Then he told us when he was a boy, back when Taiwan was still under martial law, no one was allowed to celebrate Halloween. Chiang Kai-shek was born on October 31. And the Generalissimo didn't want kiddies dressing up like monsters on his birthday.

If I ever come into command of a police state, I will make everyone dress up in my likeness on my birthday.

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