Monday, November 3, 2008

The Last Supper

This is what James made me for election night dinner: a plate of delicious kimchee and ketchup fried riced topped with egg and green onion (and more ketchup). Yeah, ketchup fried rice sounds gross, but don't knock it 'til you've tried it. It makes for a nice salty-sweet comfort food, actually.

Observe how my plate is balanced on my knees while I sit in from of my computer staking out online news sites. Eventually James dragged me to the dinner table. The only news so far is some two-bit town in New Hampshire went Obama, anyways. My November 4 is coming to a close, while you fools back home - living 13 to 16 hours in the past - are just awakening and readying for that hallowed trip to the polls. Or not, if you live in a mail-in state like Oregon.

I'm mildly distraught that I have to go to sleep tonight and will miss a precious 8 hours of the news cycle. When I awake tomorrow it will be 6 p.m. on the East Coast. Then I have to go to work - the unfairness of it all - and when I get home it will be about 1 a.m. EST.

SO MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN THAT AMOUNT OF TIME! I can envision all the potential swing-state drama now. And rather than watch it unfold, I'll be drilling animal flashcards and cooing "Now show me your tiger face! Show me what an Eagle does!" to a room full of antsy little boys.

"Okay boys, Teacher Leslie is going to go sneak into the office to look at the computer for the last 45 minutes of class. Talk amongst yourselves ... in English!"

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