Thursday, November 13, 2008

Breaking my Vow of NaBloPoMo

You probably don't know unless you're participating, but it's NaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month. To partake of the NaBloPoMo, one is supposed to blog every day.

However, we are headed to Jade Mountain for the weekend. Jade Mountain is the tallest mountain in Southeast Asia, if you count Taiwan as part of Southeast Asia, I'm told.

I'm up and it's not even light out because we have to catch the train at 7 a.m.

We'll be back Sunday, so I'll only miss one day. Although, it seems like kind of cop out to have one of my blog posts for NaBloPoMo be about how I'm going to fall short of NaBloPoMo perfection.

Oh well. I need to go find a hat.

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