Friday, January 9, 2009

Making up for New Year's

I have to work tomorrow - only a couple hours - but I don't usually work Saturdays. And I'm not the only one being pressed into this unusual six-day work week: All the kids will be in school, and most businesses (from what I'm told) will be having their employees come in too.

Why? Because New Year's Day and the day after were national holidays (Thursday and Friday, in case you forgot already). Taiwanese government doesn't hand out four-day weekends willy-nilly. This Saturday and next Saturday are government-mandated regular work days imposed to compensate for the lost Thursday and Friday.

What's the point of a four-day holiday when you have two consecutive six-day work weeks to look forward to?


MitMoi said...

omg ... clearly that is UN-AMERICAN ...!! How depressing to have to make up a holiday.

(note to self, mark Taiwan off list of places to live someday.)

TCL said...

As my dad used to say, still gotta pay rent on the weekend. Still sucks!