Friday, January 23, 2009

Spend $200M on grass seed? Yes we can.

There's a good post on my favorite political blog about the stimulus bill the House put together. Whatever your political beliefs, everyone should at least be aware of what's being proposed for $825 billion to supposedly end the recession.

Personally, I can't get behind $6 billion in corporate welfare and $200 million for National Mall repairs (including planting grass) as a means to improve the economy.

Right now I'm reading Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy. Sowell does a great job of explaining how and why economies operate most efficiently when individuals, not governments, decide how money is spent.

At this rate, why not consider the Larry Flynt economic recovery plan? I saw Flynt once - or the back of his head anyways. Two security guards were wheeling him into the j-school on the USC campus. I knew it was him because there was a black Bentley, license plate HUSTLR, parked outside. Once a semester he gives a lecture on censorship to a communication class. Four years living in Los Angeles, that was probably my second most exciting celebrity sighting. Number one being when I got to see George Lucas at a campus screening of THX-1138.

Science fiction & Porn - I digress: Email your congressman, say no to corporate bailouts and pork!

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