Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tough Question

During break a few of the girls in my 12-year-old class pressed me with this question. I'm not sure if they thought I was young and cool enough to give them a straight answer, or if they really were completely clueless. Bella was the spokeswoman for the group:

Bella: Teacher, what is slee wit yo modda?

Me: What? Sleep with your mother?

Bella: Uh-huh.

Me: Sleep with your mother? Like...sleep, s-l-e-e-p?

I wrote the letters on the whiteboard as I said them.

Bella: Yes.

Me: Oh. Um...

I took the whiteboard marker and drew a bed. On one side of the bed I drew a woman. And on the opposite side of the bed I drew another figure. They were both smiling. There was nothing improper or untoward about the scene.

Me: There! It just means you go to sleep with your mother.

Bella: Oh...


Smithers said...

I totally beat you this week! My 7th graders were working on body system posters...and one of my students drew a penis on a piece of cardboard. Then, he used his white-out pen "action" to his art. Ug

Smithers said...

